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Canned responses editing in the chat agent app

The long awaited canned responses editing feature was added in this version. Agents can now add, change or delete their personal canned responses:

  • A new canned response can be created from a chat message - just right click it and choose 'Save this message as canned response' option Creating canned response from the chat text
  • Canned responses window has now a form to create a new canned response or update an existing one. The form can be hidden if not needed right now Canned responses window
  • Agents' canned responses in sidebar and in Canned Responses window have now 'Update' and 'Delete' options.
    Note! We will ask for a confirmation before deleting any response! Canned responses sidebar in the agent app
  • When managing canned responses, agents can group them. Learn more about canned responses grouping in our user manual. Grouping canned responses

Note! Company and department-level canned responses remain intact and can be changed from the account admin panel only.

What else?

  • Message input field toolbar improved: buttons are now bigger and easier to click
  • An ability to remember an active tab and open it after the app restart was added
ActionDoc | XML
User: anonymous
Groups: common  guest 
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Processing Time: s:122 ms
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